東京大学大学院工学系研究科 光量子科学研究センター

Photon Science Center of the University of Tokyo



セミナーのお知らせ: Dr. Thibault J.-Y. Derrien (Senior Researcher, HiLASE Centre, Institute of Physics)


UTriplセミナー ・PSCセミナー ・IPSTセミナー ・ICCPTセミナー ・ALICeセミナー
MERITセミナー ・CIAiSセミナー

日時:2019年6月19日(水)13:00~14:30   /   Date & Time : 13:00-14:30 on Wednesday, June 19, 2019
場所:東京大学本郷キャンパス 工学部3号館2階32号講義室   /   Venue : Lecture Room 32, 2F Engineering Bldg. #3

Speaker: Dr. Thibault J.-Y. Derrien
                (Senior Researcher, HiLASE Centre, Institute of Physics)
Title : Predictive modeling of materials excitation, melting and nanostructuring upon femtosecond laser irradiation:
         first-principle and phenomenological perspectives

Abstract  PDFファイル

Irradiating solids using near-IR and intense ultrashort laser pulses is triggering a wide variety of microscopic and large-scale phenomena, from the attosecond excitation of electrons to the microsecond cooling of the sample. In this seminar, examples of macroscopic manifestations of laser-triggered quantum phenomena relevant to the field of laser processing will be discussed, supported by first-principle and by large-scale simulations.
A first example is the formation of periodic nanostructures induced by the laser-excitation of polaritons at the surface of metals and band gap solids undergoing transient metallization. In particular, improving the description of optical losses in classical polaritonics has enabled a better control of surface polaritons properties and lifetime.
A second example is the analysis of macroscopic pump-probe experiments made with semiconductors, where carrier diffusion and 3-body-phenomena such as Auger recombination and screening of the electron-phonon interaction at high electron density plays a role in localization of the absorbed laser energy. Phenomenological descriptions enable to perform accurate predictions of material melting thresholds on a wide range of laser parameters and reveal sub-surface dynamics originating from the density-dependent electron-phonon coupling.

使用言語:英語   /   Language : English
紹介教員:石川顕一 教授 (工学系研究科原子力国際専攻)
