東京大学大学院工学系研究科 光量子科学研究センター

Photon Science Center of the University of Tokyo



セミナーのお知らせ: Prof. Dr. Neil Broderick (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, The University of Auckland / Photon Factory, The University of Auckland / The Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum Technologies)


UTriplセミナー ・PSCセミナー ・IPSTセミナー ・ICCPTセミナー ・ALICeセミナー
MERITセミナー ・CIAiSセミナー ・XPSセミナー

日時:2019年9月4日(水)17:00~18:00   /   Date & Time : 17:00-18:00 on Wednesday, September 4, 2019
場所:東京大学本郷キャンパス 工学部8号館5階502号講義室   /   Venue : Lecture Room 502, 5F Engineering Bldg. #8

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Neil Broderick
                (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, The University of Auckland
                 Photon Factory, The University of Auckland
                 The Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum Technologies)
Title : Novel Designs and Applications of Mode-Locked Lasers

Abstract  PDFファイル

The mode-locking of lasers provides a direct route to high-power femtosecond optical pulses having many applications in research and industry. There is thus considerable interest in finding new methods of mode-locking as well as understanding the basic mechanisms behind the pulsing characteristics of such devices. In this talk, I will describe our latest work in this area focusing on three main areas. The first is a new design for passively mode-locked fibre lasers operating in the all-normal dispersion regime. The second looks at how we can model such lasers using both traditional and new approaches. Finally, I will discuss some applications of mode-locked lasers including monitoring the alpine fault for geophysical activity. This work takes place within the Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum Technologies, which is a NZ government funded centre of research excellence. We have activities spanning a wide range of research from the properties of cold matter and Bose-Einstein condensates to micro-resonators for optical frequency combs and fundamental investigations into the basics of quantum optics. I will also briefly introduce the Dodd-Walls Centre and discuss possible areas of research collaboration.

使用言語:英語   /   Language : English
紹介教員:石川顕一 教授 (工学系研究科原子力国際専攻)
