東京大学大学院工学系研究科 光量子科学研究センター

Photon Science Center of the University of Tokyo



セミナーのお知らせ: Dr. Shunsuke A. Sato (Assistant professor, Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba)


UTriplセミナー ・PSCセミナー ・IPSTセミナー ・ICCPTセミナー ・ALICeセミナー
CIAiSセミナー ・XPSセミナー

日時:2019年9月24日(火)15:00~16:00   /   Date & Time : 15:00-16:00 on Tuesday, September 24, 2019
場所:東京大学本郷キャンパス 工学部8号館5階502号講義室   /   Venue : Lecture Room 502, 5F Engineering Bldg. #8

Speaker: Dr. Shunsuke A. Sato
                (Assistant professor, Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba)
Title : First-principles electron dynamics simulation for attosecond science in solids

Abstract  PDFファイル

Thanks to the rapid progress of the laser technologies, ultrafast electron dynamics in atoms and molecules have been investigated in time-domain with attosecond time resolution. Recently, the attosecond observation technique has been further applied to solid-state materials, and nonequilibrium electron dynamics in solids have been studies. While such attosecond experiments provide a wealth of microscopic information on nonequilibrium dynamics, the experimental results are often complicated and hard to directly interpret. The first-principles calculation based on the time-dependent density functional theory is a powerful tool to describe such complex nonlinear electron dynamics and to provide microscopic insight into the phenomena. In this talk, I will present our recent applications of the first-principles electron dynamics simulations to attosecond experiments for GaAs and Titanium. The joint study of theory and experiment clarified that the laser-induced intraband motion of electrons plays an important role in the transient absorption of GaAs even in the resonantly driving regime. Furthermore, we found that the transient change of the optical-absorption of Titanium originates from the modification of microscopic screening properties due to the light-induced electron localization.

使用言語:英語   /   Language : English
紹介教員:石川顕一 教授 (工学系研究科原子力国際専攻)
