東京大学大学院工学系研究科 光量子科学研究センター

Photon Science Center of the University of Tokyo



セミナーのお知らせ: Ho Ya-Lun (何 亜倫) 氏 (東京大学大学院理学系研究科附属フォトンサイエンス研究機構)


UTriplセミナー ・PSCセミナー ・IPSTセミナー ・ALICeセミナー

場所:Hybrid開催:東京大学理学部1号館3階340号室 および ZOOM(どちらも事前登録制)
講演者: Ho Ya-Lun (何 亜倫) 氏
            (東京大学大学院理学系研究科附属フォトンサイエンス研究機構 特任助教)
講演題目: “Colloidal Perovskite Quantum Dots-based On-Chip Integrated Lasers and Photonic/Plasmonic Devices”

Abstract  PDFファイル

  Since mid-2010, lead halide perovskites have attracted great attention for their impressive photovoltaic and optical application. This class of materials possesses excellent physical properties such as high optical absorption coefficient, long carrier lifetime, superior fluorescence yields, and wide tunable bandgap, which make them promising for optoelectronic and photonic devices. However, the conventional semiconductor processes do not satisfy the top-down fabrication of these materials, which is the key for their practicality in integrated photonic devices. The critical issue of using perovskites in top-down fabrication is the deterioration of perovskites when exposed to the lithography solvents leads to severe restrictions.

  Here, we would like to present our works on original top-down and non-transfer (on-chip) nanofabrication methods for solution-processed colloidal perovskite quantum dot (QD)-based photonic/plasmonic devices. These methods were developed by combining top-down fabrication with the ligand-engineering and recrystallization process of the QDs, providing a solution for the deterioration of perovskites when exposed to the lithographic solvents, to obtain the high-quality perovskite nanostructure in a large area. We believe these works provide general and promising methods for various nanophotonic and optoelectronic devices by using colloidal perovskite QDs.

[1] Adv. Funct. Mater. 31, 2006283 (2021) [2] Adv. Opt. Mater. 9, 2101474 (2021) [3] Small, 2204070 (2022)

紹介教員:小西 邦昭

申込方法:現地参加、オンライン参加ともに、Google forms(下記)にて参加の申し込みを行ってください。